Together, Always Moving

Together, Always Moving

TAMERA TRADING specializes in importing unique and high-quality products from markets worldwide to Japan, aiming to establish a strong presence in the domestic market. We are committed to continuous innovation and collaboration with business partners both in Japan and internationally to create new value.
TAMERA TRADINGは、世界中の市場から選りすぐりの商品を日本に輸入し、国内市場での確固たる地位を築くことを目指しています。私たちは、国内外のビジネスパートナーと密接に協力し、常に新たな価値を生み出すための挑戦を続けています。

Import Operations for Overseas Products
TAMERA introduces unique and valuable products that are yet to be discovered in the Japanese market. Leveraging our diverse import experience, we strive to provide high-quality products at competitive prices.

Securing a Position in the Japanese Market
Ensuring success for new products in the Japanese market requires trust and a deep understanding of market needs. Through market research and strategic positioning, TAMERA effectively positions products to support sustainable growth.

Collaboration with Domestic and International Business Partners
We collaborate closely with business partners both domestically and globally to create new business opportunities. Our partnerships are built on mutual trust and a commitment to sustainable growth.

Participation in Exhibitions and Industry Events
To stay abreast of the latest trends and market dynamics, we actively participate in exhibitions and industry events, both domestically and internationally. This enables us to discover cutting-edge products and expand our business network.

Our Team

We have partnered with import business consultant Hideaki Otake (https://yubi-ken.com/en/).
Together with Hideaki Otake, an evangelist for the Japanese crowdfunding site “Makuake,” we are working to spread innovative products from around the world to Japan, and through our products, we are developing a business that will bring smiles to the faces of everyone in Japan and abroad as well as shorten the distance between Japan and foreign countries.